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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Entertainment World

Here are some of the latest news in entertainment world.

The Winner for America's Best Dance Crew 2 is SUPERCREW!

The Best Dance Crew season 2 hosted by Randy Jackson has already annouced the season's winner. The winner is...SUPERCR3W..It is actually read as supercrew. This is a group of 6 members composed of Filipino-American guys. They defeated the team 'So Real Crew'. The Filipino people are really proud of these guys. In fact, when they won, the camera captured certain Filipinos waving the Philippine flag.

Check out their performance in Week 8- Footloose

29 July 2008

Big Brother 10
July 29th Recap

Angie finds herself not unexpectedly on the block in this episode of Big Brother 10, and Jessie feels that he has a lot to do this week. Memphis feels that Keesha just put a target on her back with her nominations, making two enemies where there were none before. Keesha feels that it is Jessie's fault that Steven is gone and sticks by her nominations.

Keesha speaks with Libra, Ollie, April, and Renny in the Big Brother 10 Head of Household room and says that Michelle was really worried that she would go up.

In a patio conversation, Jerry says that Memphis is a bartender, has a bit of a full head, and he is living a free life, and is a womanizer. Jerry thinks he has a chance to go far in the game with no one trying to take it away from him.

Jessie goes to Keesha, and when she asks him if he is mad at her, he says that he isn't holding any grudges, but he says that when he was Head of Household, if it had been up to him, he would not have put up Steven. April and Ollie try to interrupt their conversation with a knock on the Head of Household door, and Keesha advises Jessie to tell them to come back later. Jessie makes the point that Libra will promise her the world, but her actions are telling. She won't give Keesha space and she just used her. Jessie says that he proved to her in actions, and she proved to him in actions, and now look what Libra has done. Keesha says that she gave her her word and Jessie says that Libra is targeting her, and that her word means nothing. Immediately following Jessie's exit, Libra comes into the room. April joins them and Keesha says that he was good for the most part. Jessie goes downstairs and informs Michelle that he has convinced Keesha to put Libra up. As he leaves her, he gives her the thumbs up.

Keesha calles the group for the Big Brother 10 Veto Competition and Jessie says that it won't matter who is up. There is no one that he feels can give him any competition. Keesha draws Libra and Angie draws Ollie. Jessie calls Memphis. The host for the competition is Dan. They have to get dressed for it and look like flowers.

Keesha wants to win so she can make the decision she wants. Angie wants to win to stay in the game. Jessie has utmost faith in himself and says that he has won it three times before.

Dan announces the game. The Big Brother houseguests are to play "Garden of Veto." They have to lay in a garden bed and have water pouring on their head for one hour. The object of the game is to estimate when one hour is up and then rise from the garden bed which will release buttons under their head to mark the time. The Big Brother 10 houseguest closest to one hour without going over will win the Big Brother veto. At a point in the game the houseguests had a choice of pouring either worms or compost on them and Jerry says, "Worms," and they pour worms on them. After a few minutes there Keesha can't take the worms and gives up. Jessie asks Libra who wanted Steven up and she says that she was the one who felt targeted and Jessie reminds her that is why he is there now. The compost is then poured over the houseguets adn time ticks on. Libra decides to get up and Ollie agrees to stay for another five minutes. Jessie leaves next so that Libra won't beat him. On the bench Libra tells Jessie that she was upfront with Keesha and Jessie says to Keesha that he was trying to point out why he is there. Angie feels that she has a chance when Jessie leaves and Memphis and Ollie are out followed by Ange. The winner will be the person who left the game closest to the hour. Keesha had left the garden bed at the 21 minute point. The rest of them all went over the hour by at least fifteen minutes. Keesha is excited to have won the Power of Veto and Jessie says that he is going to continue to campaign.

While Jessie is showering, Jessie suggests that Angie go up and talk to Keesha. Libra is listening while sitting in the bathroom. Angie says that she feels that she has a connection to her through Steven, and if she is going to use the Big Brother 10 Power of Veto to use it on Jessie, and since she is unable to take another week with Libra, she would rather the house decide between the two of them.

Keesha approaches April and April says that she cannot trust Libra and with such a target on her back she could hurt their alliance. Keesha talks to Ollie as well and Ollie says that she is ruining the alliance and you can count on her whispering something to somebody. They decide that it has to happen sometime. Keesha is worried that she might have to cut Libra loose, but she gave Libra her word on Day 4 of the game. She says that it sucks that her mouth has gotten way way out of control.

Jessie approaches Keesha once again. He wants her to use the Big Brother 10 Power of Veto on him and replace him with Libra who has nothing to degrade and belittle her behind her back. Jessie says that if she thinks she is safe, she is not. She says that she gave her word and her word will be nothing if she doesn't follow through with it. Jessie says that she can make a wrong right, and he is being prosecuted for something he didn't do, for a crime he didn't commit, and she has the power and control it right now. She tells him that she is listening, but she made a promise.

America gets to play Big Brother by choosing America's Player. America votes for the one houseguest that they would like to see become America's Player for one week. That person will be offered the job and if they complete the tasks they will win $20,000. If that houseguest turns down the job, they will forfeit the money and we will have no America's Player.

Jessie pouts in the Big Brother 10 Diary Room that Keesha is sticking to her word. He uses a baby voice in his complaints. Keesha says that Jessie is coming up again and he confronts Keesha, Renny, and April about following her word. He raises his voice and she, Renny, and April leave the room. Keesha goes around the house and tells them as she finds them that she has given her word to Libra and will stand by it. She says she may be a complete idiot for that, but she is going to stand by it. Jessie starts talking again and she says that she isn't going to argue with him and walks away.
Outside, Memphis, Angie, Jessie, and Michelle saw a banner.
Angie explains that they immediately have to go into the Big Brother 10 house for a lockdown when a banner plane appears, as they are not allowed outside influences. The houseguests who saw it can't make out what it said, but decide to carry the information upstairs as "Keesha, Libra is a liar, love Steven." As they leave after delivering the message to a doubtful group, Memphis says that it was not what it said, but he jumped up to read it and it said, Libra, and somebody, liar and love Steven. He says that it is the truth, Libra is a liar. Memphis says that he would love to ask a question about his name coming up on the second week. Memphis says that he doesn't go around the Big Brother house saying that he wants everyone out. As a matter of fact, he has only told them that he wanted one person out and that was Jerry. Jerry says that he knows that. Memphis explodes and says that Jerry called him a womanizer and he is a married man who grabbed some **** and he calls him a womanizer? He says that if he ever attacks him personally in the game again he won't take it easily. He calls him old man and is very angry when he leaves.

Keesha says that her mind is made up and nobody is changing it. Angie says that she wishes that she would take Jessie off and put Libra up because she has a better chance of staying than Libra. Jessie says that if Keesha was in a right mind she would take him off and put Libra up and right a wrong.

Keesha calls for the Big Brother 10 Power of Veto ceremony.
Angie and Jessie have been nominated and she has the power to take one of them off the block. Angie gets to speak. She says that it is a tough week, a struggle with her decision making, but her actions are true to her character outside of the house and this is the only way she can play the game. Jessie says that he came in to prove and to justify his word, and if he threw everyone under the bus, they threw him under the bus by nominating him. Keesha thanks them, but chooses not to use the Big Brother 10 Power of Veto on them. It was hard to put two people up and she doesn't think that she can put a third person up at this time. Libra is ecstatic that Keesha kept her word. Angie hopes that Jessie blows up and by doing so keeps her in the house. Jessie says that he was hosed and hosed again and if "they don't vote me out of this house, it is the biggest mistake ever."

Big Brother 10 is moving to its new time and the next episode is the live eviction, on Thursday, July 31, at 8 et/pt, 7 central.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

I opened Yahoo! today and saw that Harry Potter 6 (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) has already a trailer. So, I opened it and learned that it shows interesting scenes. I have made a different post about Harry Potter with more photos. I have already searched the internet and definitely I found it in Youtube the trailer. Please see the separate post.

Here is the trailer:

Source: posted by Muggle24

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